Crossing Over



When you or a loved one is facing the end of life it can be a profoundly lonely and confusing time.  The person who is dying as well as the family needs good company, good counsel and alot of love and understanding.  Families may find themselves coming together in a completely different way than ever before.  Death has a way of opening our hearts.  Death is so important that it helps us to stop from the mundane and pay attention to what truly matters in life.  Who we love.  Who loves us.

Death is clarifying.

Current Shamanism honors death and faces illness, dying and death with as much enthusiasm and inspiration as life.  It is simply another passage.  Another opportunity to practice our healing work.  It can be an incredible opportunity to forgive and let go.

Eileen is trained in the Andean Death Rites.  She is available to sit with the dying well before the death and enact ‘Recapitulation’.  She sits and listens while the person recounts their life.  Telling stories.  And more stories and more stories.  A life holds so much.  We need to be heard.  We have things we want to say.  There are things that people want to say to us.  At the end of our life, it is so powerful to ‘unpack our bags’ before we cross to the other side.  Look inside ourselves and see what’s what.  It is a powerful process in which the dying can come to understand more and more about their life and how they chose to live it.  They can celebrate what they perceive of as their greatest accomplishments.  They are also invited to understand more about with what they may perceive of as ‘mistakes’.   Eileen invites them to see everything in their life as learning, as the soul’s opportunity to shift and change, evolve and grow.  Death can be the final gift of our lives, teaching us how magnificent we are and that all the suffering of life, all the joy, all the hits and all the misses wove the tapestry of our existence.

It’s a very powerful and beautiful time.  It is to be honored.  Respected.

Death is to be lived to the fullest.

Eileen is available to be called to the bedside at the time of death to assist the soul in leaving the body.  She is also available to teach family members how to do that should they want to be left alone with their loved one at the end.

If you are interested in training in the Andean Death Rites so that you can be of assistance to your friends and family in this way.  Or if you want to have Eileen come and attend to you or someone you love call 914-456-7789 or email:

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