

Beautifully-moving and meaningful wedding ceremonies on the Hudson River, custom-designed to honor any faith.

Despacho Ceremonies

A powerful practice in the mystical tradition of the Andes, Despacho Ceremonies can be done to honor and bless any life passage or life situation.  Births, deaths, new business, marriage; bringing focused prayer and intention to a specific area of our lives invites powerful communion with the spiritual world increasing beauty and abundance in our lives.

Baby Blessings and BlessingWays

Whoo hooo! A new life!  Welcoming a new soul onto our planet!  Women giving their life force in the ancient gift of motherhood.  Taking precious time out to do ritual, prayer and ceremony to honor the mother and the baby reminds us all that this is the MOST important job on the planet.

Crossing Over

When we are born, someone helps us come into this world.  When we are dying, is it not beautiful then, having a ‘spiritual midwife’ to help us birth into the next world?  The Andean Death Rites bring comfort, solace, compassion and service to both the person dying as well as their family.

Space Clearing and Blessing

Space Clearing is like opening the energetic windows of an environment and ‘cleaning house’ and  Space Blessing is the setting of intention for the energy of each room, leaving the space ‘occupied’ with the power of your personal intention for its use.

Unique Custom Designed Life Passage Ceremonies